
Avoiding the most common (and fatal) pitfalls of organizational change.

Part 3: Hold the tension of change

Anthony Suchman 0 1631 Article rating: No rating

Welcome to the third installment in our series on avoiding common pitfalls in organizational change.This blog describes what is arguably the most under recognized yet absolutely essential function of a change leader - holding the tension of change.

There is no change of any consequence that does not involve anxiety and conflict. Tension is intrinsic to change; it's normal, you can count on it. But it's also something that must be attended to. How you and everybody else deals with that tension has a huge impact on the outcome...

Avoiding the most common (and fatal) pitfalls of organizational change.

Part 2: Attend to the losses that are part of every change

Anthony Suchman 0 1360 Article rating: No rating

In this blog we'll explore another important issue: how people experience change, how leaders typically respond and how they could respond more effectively.

The first reaction to change that we usually think of is negativity - "I don't want to." But if we dig below the surface, we find that the heart of this reaction is not simple contrariness but rather grief. As William Bridges, a wise observer of change, has described in rich detail, every change begins with an ending, a loss… 

Avoiding the most common (and fatal) pitfalls of organizational change.

Part 1: Change how you think about change!

Anthony Suchman 0 1749 Article rating: No rating

Given the magnitude and importance of the changes that are needed in healthcare right now, we cannot afford to waste time, money and human spirit on ineffective change projects, however well-intentioned they might be. So over the next few months, I'd like to offer a series of brief blogs describing some of the most common pitfalls I've observed and how to avoid them.

The topic for this first installment is "how we think about change." The conceptual models and metaphors we use filter our perceptions, frame our planning and shape our expectations in a powerful but subliminal way; we can be entirely unaware of how our thinking is being influenced...

«February 2025»